Directions to 47 Weaver Road Unit 5052, Storrs, CT 06269-5052.
From Hartford, CT - Take 84 East to Exit 68. Turn right onto Route 195 South. At the intersection of Route 195 and Route 32, take a right onto Route 32 South. Follow Route 32 until the intersection of Route 32 and Route 44. Take a left onto Route 44 East. After the second light, take a right onto Weaver Road, then in 0.1 mile turn left at the Kennedy Building.
From Springfield, MA - Take 91 South to 291 South to 84 East. Take Exit 68. Turn right onto Route 195 South. At the intersection of Route 195 and Route 32, take a right onto Route 32 South. Follow Route 32 until the intersection of Route 32 and Route 44. Take a left onto Route 44 East. After the second light, take a right onto Weaver Road, then in 0.1 mile turn left at the Kennedy Building.
From Providence, RI - Take Route 6 West to Route 32 North. At the intersection of Route 32 and Route 44 take a right onto Route 44 East. After the second light, take a right onto Weaver Road, then in 0.1 mile turn left at the Kennedy Building.
From New London, CT - Take 395 North to Route 32 North. At the intersection of Route 32 and Route 44 take a right onto Route 44 East. After the second light, take a right onto Weaver Road, then in 0.1 mile turn left at the Kennedy Building.