Application for a building permit is made through the completion or resubmission of the Application for Construction Document Review and Building Permit. As previously indicated, this application is to be submitted with preliminary drawing submissions or resubmitted as appropriate with the final construction documents.
Application for Building Permit (PDF)
Consideration should be given to code required declarations by the applicant or agent. These declarations and basic project or building information are enumerated on the Application for Construction Document Review and Building Permit and may be submitted through the application or provided on the construction documents.
The construction documents which are the basis for the building permit are required to provide sufficient information to indicate the scope of work and compliance with the applicable codes as required by SBC 106.1. An outline of information which is necessary for review of construction documents for code compliance and issuance of a building permit is available through the International Code Council, Inc.’s Plan Review Records for the International Building Code, the International Plumbing Code, and the International Mechanical Code.
Electronic (pdf file format) Construction Documents are required with the Application for Construction Document Review and Building Permit. Paper format working documents may be requested by FMBIO based on the scope of the proposed work. The Fire Marshal and Building Inspector’s Office will review the documents for code compliance and findings will be documented through the Construction Document Review Report and forwarded to the Project Contact. Copies may be forwarded to other parties by the Project Contact as deemed appropriate. The conclusion at the end of the report will indicate subsequent action expected of the project team. This may include: no action required, compliant work will be verified in the field during construction inspection, and/or resubmission of documentation indicating code compliance is required.
Amendments to the approved construction documents such as change orders, change directives, supplemental, and/or revised drawings are required by SBC 106.4 to be submitted for code review. Amendments are to be forwarded to the Fire Marshal and Building Inspector’s Office after review and approval by the design team.
Other permits associated with the construction process include:
Annual Permits
Annual Permits may be issued for alterations to electrical, gas, mechanical, or plumbing installations subject to the limitations of SBC 105.1.1.
Blasting Permit
Blasting permits are required to be obtained from the Office of the Fire Marshal in accordance with CGS 29-349(d).
Welding Permit
Welding or Hot Work permits are issued by the Office of the Fire Marshal through the University of Connecticut Fire Department as a University accepted procedure.
Demolition Permit
Demolition permits are not issued by the Fire Marshal and Building Inspector’s Office. The building inspector having jurisdiction in the town the work is being performed would be responsible for issuing a demolition permit should he determine that one is required.